Ushering in a sustainable era of Eco-friendly Industrial practices, we are making huge strides in establishing and promoting pollution free and environment friendly manufacturing system. As an environmentally responsible massive manufacturing operation, we re-use waste to fuel the rapidly expanding operations with minimum ecological damage. We use the entirety of the black liquor effluent generated as byproduct along with coal and other Agro-waste to generate high pressure steam and power which is supplied to our manufacturing units. We aim to reduce our carbon footprint and take strides towards Net Zero carbon emissions.
Our Dhaula location is equipped with multi fuel fully automated AFBC boilers with intelligent load management system that enables us to receive 110 kg/cm2 steam pressure generated through combustion of biomass and coal, consequently generating 40 MW power. Recovery boilers fired using Black Liquor(effluent) generates 65 kg/cm2 steam pressure helping us to generate 10 MW of Power making the entire Plant location self-sufficient in terms of Power and Steam. Power facilities include the exports/ import infrastructure, total network synchronization facility, linkage coal, DCS & SAP based parameters data logging, energy saving 6.6 KW drives and automatic tube cleaning system (ATCS) for turbine condenser.
At our Budhni location, we have multi-fuel firing CFBC boilers with steam pressure of 110 kg/cm2 and 121TPH steam flow capacity. We have state of the art Power Plant operating fully through automated DCS (Distributed control system) and is well equipped with ESP, emission control equipment. Rice husk, Biomass and Coal is used to generate High pressure steam which is in turn used for Power Generation with help of Steam Turbine. Steam from turbine exhaust (at low pressure) is supplied to manufacturing units. We have Steam Turbine with Power Generation capacity of 16.3MW which is extraction cum backpressure turbine with process steam supply capacity of 90TPH
Our PlantCapacities
We possess 50 MW captive Power Generation capacity at Dhaula. Cogen 1 has power generation capacity of 10 MW. Cogen 02 & 03 each have a power generation capacity of 20 MW and steam generation capacity of 130 TPH using Power boilers of Andritz Enmass.
High Pressure Steam Generation of 121 TPH with medium pressure process steam availability of 90 TPH. Power generation of 16.3 MW using backpressure turbine