at work Moving close to saving nature


Trident Group is a collaboration of many hearts reaching out to protect and preserve our environment. We feel that conservation of resources is the way to sustainable development.

Being our paramount responsibility, Trident Group embraces sustainability as a core business vertical paving the way in order to secure a safe & healthy work environment in true spirits from developing environment-friendly products like paper from agri-residue, producing organic yarn, managing non-utilized resources and rainwater harvesting, thus moving towards green manufacturing for a cleaner environment.


  • 10+ lakh treesPLANTED ONOUR PREMISES
  • 8,000+ billionLITRES WATERRECYCLED

Our Initiatives

In order to proactively safeguard the environment, we have instituted a number of policies in our places of work, some of which are industry firsts. Our Zero Liquid Discharge facility is one of the biggest environment friendly benchmarks in the textile industry.

We enable a sustainable and circular approach in all our operations, from the sourcing of raw materials, manufacturing, and supply chain to the final product delivered- all this and more to leave a greener earth for future generations.

The 5Rs Practice

  • Reduce

    Cutting the fuel usage to optimise the emission.

  • Reuse

    Reuse of water by treatment of effluent generated from the production units.

  • Recycle

    Waste fibre utilisation in making yarn and other products.

  • Re-engineer

    Developing in-house technology for the best practices and generating wealth from waste.

  • Redesign

    Adopting eco-friendly methodology for sustainable development.

Awards & Accolades

2010 - 2011IKEA"Sustainability Award"
2012 - 2013GoldenPeacock Award "Environmental Management"
2014 - 2015Govt. Of India"National Energy Conservation Award"
2015 - 2016SAM'S Club"Environmental Sustainability Award"
2016 - 2017IPMA"National Energy Conversation Award"
2016 - 2017CII'SNational Award "Excellence in Energy Management"
2016 - 2017PHDChambers Awards "Outstanding Contribution to Social Welfare"
2017 - 2018CII'SNational Award "Excellence in Energy Management"
2017 - 2018CITIBirla Award "Excellence in Energy Conservation"
2017 - 2018SEEM"National Energy Management Award"
2018 - 2019MPPCB"Environment Award"
2018 - 20195Rs Concept"Grand Thorton Sabera Award"
2018 - 2019FICCI"Industrial Water Efficiency Award"

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