
Diversity and Inclusion for Collective Growth

Our equality and inclusion policies are aimed at developing, motivating and empowering our diverse workforce.


she leads

Women are not just empowered at Trident, they lead and they inspire, as these stories will tell you.



“When more women enter the workforce it spurs innovation, increases productivity and grows economies.” - Hillary Clinton

25%womenby 2025

diversityDiversity Story

Our members from LHTL staying in hostels have a lot more to say about Trident and to the extent our team goes to help them out. During Lockdown when they were stuck inside the campus and unable to go to their destined places. We as a Trident family provided them with their basic requirements and necessities so that they can live without any problem as the situation due to COVID was very tensed during that time. When the transport was resumed, we arranged convenience for them to go home providing masks and PPE kits to them. We considered each and every member of Trident as our own family.


senior manager



Equal opportunity Initiatives for social impact

We believe in being proactive about inclusion. To this effect, we conduct inclusion and diversity workshops for the entire workforce including our management.

Equal opportunities tochallenged individuals

Job descriptions insign language

Multilingual, multi-generationalworkforce learning

Where inclusive growthLeads to equal respect for everyone

  • 13300 +EMPLOYEES
  • 2300 +SHEROES

No reason is too smallFor a celebration

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